Format a citation as a BibTeX entry
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
character(len=:), | intent(out), | allocatable | :: | string |
The formatted BibTeX entry |
class(citation_type), | intent(in) | :: | citation |
The citation to format |
subroutine format_bibtex(string, citation) !> The formatted BibTeX entry character(len=:), allocatable, intent(out) :: string !> The citation to format class(citation_type), intent(in) :: citation integer :: idx if (.not.is_citation_present(citation)) return string = & & "@article{" // citation%doi // "," // nl // & & " title = {{" // citation%title // "}}," // nl // & & " author = {" // citation%author(1)%name do idx = 2, size(citation%author) string = string // nl // & & " and " // citation%author(idx)%name end do string = string // "}," // nl if (allocated(citation%issue)) then string = string // & & " issue = {" // citation%issue // "}," // nl end if string = string // & & " volume = {" // citation%volume // "}," // nl // & & " pages = {" // citation%pages // "}," // nl // & & " doi = {" // citation%doi // "}," // nl // & & " url = {" // citation%doi // "}" // nl // & & "}" end subroutine format_bibtex