Wrapper to handle the evaluation of pairwise representation of the dispersion energy
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(structure_type), | intent(in) | :: | mol |
Molecular structure data |
class(d3_model), | intent(in) | :: | disp |
Dispersion model |
class(damping_param), | intent(in) | :: | param |
Damping parameters |
type(realspace_cutoff), | intent(in) | :: | cutoff |
Realspace cutoffs |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | energy2(:,:) |
Pairwise representation of additive dispersion energy |
real(kind=wp), | intent(out) | :: | energy3(:,:) |
Pairwise representation of non-additive dispersion energy |
subroutine get_pairwise_dispersion(mol, disp, param, cutoff, energy2, energy3) !> Molecular structure data class(structure_type), intent(in) :: mol !> Dispersion model class(d3_model), intent(in) :: disp !> Damping parameters class(damping_param), intent(in) :: param !> Realspace cutoffs type(realspace_cutoff), intent(in) :: cutoff !> Pairwise representation of additive dispersion energy real(wp), intent(out) :: energy2(:, :) !> Pairwise representation of non-additive dispersion energy real(wp), intent(out) :: energy3(:, :) integer :: mref real(wp), allocatable :: cn(:), gwvec(:, :), c6(:, :), lattr(:, :) mref = maxval(disp%ref) allocate(cn(mol%nat)) call get_lattice_points(mol%periodic, mol%lattice, cutoff%cn, lattr) call get_coordination_number(mol, lattr, cutoff%cn, disp%rcov, cn) allocate(gwvec(mref, mol%nat)) call disp%weight_references(mol, cn, gwvec) allocate(c6(mol%nat, mol%nat)) call disp%get_atomic_c6(mol, gwvec, c6=c6) energy2(:, :) = 0.0_wp energy3(:, :) = 0.0_wp call get_lattice_points(mol%periodic, mol%lattice, cutoff%disp2, lattr) call param%get_pairwise_dispersion2(mol, lattr, cutoff%disp2, disp%rvdw, disp%r4r2, & & c6, energy2) call get_lattice_points(mol%periodic, mol%lattice, cutoff%disp3, lattr) call param%get_pairwise_dispersion3(mol, lattr, cutoff%disp3, disp%rvdw, disp%r4r2, & & c6, energy3) end subroutine get_pairwise_dispersion