gcp.f90 Source File

Source Code

! This file is part of s-dftd3.
! SPDX-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
! s-dftd3 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
! the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
! (at your option) any later version.
! s-dftd3 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
! GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
! You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
! along with s-dftd3.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module dftd3_gcp
   use mctc_env, only : wp
   use mctc_io, only : structure_type
   use dftd3_gcp_param, only : gcp_param, get_gcp_param
   use dftd3_cutoff, only : realspace_cutoff, get_lattice_points
   implicit none

   public :: gcp_param, get_gcp_param, get_geometric_counterpoise

   !> Geometric counterpoise correction
   interface get_geometric_counterpoise
      module procedure get_geometric_counterpoise
      module procedure get_geometric_counterpoise_atomic
   end interface get_geometric_counterpoise


!> Geometric counterpoise correction
subroutine get_geometric_counterpoise(mol, param, cutoff, energy, gradient, sigma)

   !> Molecular structure data
   class(structure_type), intent(in) :: mol

   !> Geometric counterpoise parameters
   type(gcp_param), intent(in) :: param

   !> Realspace cutoffs
   type(realspace_cutoff), intent(in) :: cutoff

   !> Counter-poise energy
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: energy

   !> Counter-poise gradient
   real(wp), intent(inout), optional :: gradient(:, :)

   !> Counter-poise virial
   real(wp), intent(inout), optional :: sigma(:, :)

   real(wp), allocatable :: energies(:)

   allocate(energies(mol%nat), source=0.0_wp)
   call get_geometric_counterpoise_atomic(mol, param, cutoff, energies, gradient, sigma)
   energy = energy + sum(energies)
end subroutine get_geometric_counterpoise

!> Geometric counterpoise correction with atom-resolved energies
subroutine get_geometric_counterpoise_atomic(mol, param, cutoff, energies, gradient, sigma)

   !> Molecular structure data
   class(structure_type), intent(in) :: mol

   !> Geometric counterpoise parameters
   type(gcp_param), intent(in) :: param

   !> Realspace cutoffs
   type(realspace_cutoff), intent(in) :: cutoff

   !> Dispersion energy
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: energies(:)

   !> Dispersion gradient
   real(wp), intent(inout), optional :: gradient(:, :)

   !> Dispersion virial
   real(wp), intent(inout), optional :: sigma(:, :)

   real(wp), allocatable :: lattr(:, :)
   real(wp), parameter :: rexp_base = 0.75_wp, zexp_base = 1.5_wp, rexp_srb = -1.0_wp, zexp_srb = 0.5_wp
   logical :: grad

   grad = present(gradient) .and. present(sigma)

   if (allocated(param%emiss) .and. allocated(param%slater) .and. allocated(param%xv)) then
      call get_lattice_points(mol%periodic, mol%lattice, cutoff%gcp, lattr)
      if (grad) then
         call gcp_deriv(mol, lattr, cutoff%gcp, param%zeff, param%emiss, param%slater, &
            & param%xv, param%rvdw, param%sigma, param%alpha, param%beta, param%damp, &
            & param%dmp_scal, param%dmp_exp, energies, gradient, sigma)
         call gcp_energy(mol, lattr, cutoff%gcp, param%zeff, param%emiss, param%slater, &
            & param%xv, param%rvdw, param%sigma, param%alpha, param%beta, param%damp, &
            & param%dmp_scal, param%dmp_exp, energies)
      end if
   end if

   if (param%srb .or. param%base) then
      call get_lattice_points(mol%periodic, mol%lattice, cutoff%srb, lattr)
   end if

   if (param%srb) then
      if (grad) then
         call srb_deriv(mol, lattr, cutoff%srb, mol%num, param%rvdw_srb, param%rscal, param%qscal, &
            & rexp_srb, zexp_srb, energies, gradient, sigma)
         call srb_energy(mol, lattr, cutoff%srb, mol%num, param%rvdw_srb, param%rscal, param%qscal, &
            & rexp_srb, zexp_srb, energies)
      end if
   end if

   if (param%base) then
      if (grad) then
         call srb_deriv(mol, lattr, cutoff%srb, param%zeff, param%rvdw, param%rscal, param%qscal, &
            & rexp_base, zexp_base, energies, gradient, sigma)
         call srb_energy(mol, lattr, cutoff%srb, param%zeff, param%rvdw, param%rscal, param%qscal, &
            & rexp_base, zexp_base, energies)
      end if
   end if
end subroutine get_geometric_counterpoise_atomic

!> Geometric counterpoise correction
subroutine gcp_energy(mol, trans, cutoff, iz, emiss, slater, xv, rvdw, escal, alpha, beta, &
      & damp, dmp_scal, dmp_exp, energies)
   !> Molecular structure data
   type(structure_type), intent(in) :: mol
   !> Translation vectors
   real(wp), intent(in) :: trans(:, :)
   !> Distance cutoff
   real(wp), intent(in) :: cutoff
   !> Effective nuclear charges
   integer, intent(in) :: iz(:)
   !> Basis set superposition error per atom
   real(wp), intent(in) :: emiss(:)
   !> Slater exponents
   real(wp), intent(in) :: slater(:)
   !> Number of virtual orbitals
   real(wp), intent(in) :: xv(:)
   !> Van der Waals radii
   real(wp), intent(in) :: rvdw(:, :)
   !> Scaling factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: escal
   !> Exponential factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: alpha
   !> Power factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: beta
   !> Damping flag
   logical, intent(in) :: damp
   !> Damping scaling factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: dmp_scal
   !> Damping exponent
   real(wp), intent(in) :: dmp_exp
   !> Atom-resolved energy
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: energies(:)

   integer :: iat, jat, jtr, izp, jzp
   real(wp) :: argv
   real(wp) :: xvi, xvj
   real(wp) :: r1, rscal, rscalexp, r0
   real(wp) :: sij, expv, bsse, emi, emj
   real(wp) :: vec(3)
   real(wp) :: dampval, grd_dmp
   real(wp) :: dE

   do iat = 1, mol%nat
      izp = mol%id(iat)
      xvi = merge(1.0_wp / sqrt(xv(izp)), 0.0_wp, xv(izp) >= 0.5_wp)

      ! the BSSE due to atom jat, Loop over all j atoms
      do jat = 1, iat
         jzp = mol%id(jat)
         xvj = merge(1.0_wp / sqrt(xv(jzp)), 0.0_wp, xv(jzp) >= 0.5_wp)

         emi = emiss(izp)*xvj*escal
         emj = emiss(jzp)*xvi*escal
         r0 = rvdw(izp, jzp)
         do jtr = 1, size(trans, 2)
            vec(:) = mol%xyz(:, iat) - (mol%xyz(:, jat) + trans(:, jtr))
            r1 = norm2(vec)

            if(r1 > cutoff .or. r1 < epsilon(1.0_wp)) cycle
            ! calulate slater overlap sij
            call ssovl(r1, izp, jzp, iz, slater(izp), slater(jzp), sij)
            ! evaluate gcp central expression
            argv = -alpha*r1**beta
            expv = exp(argv)
            bsse = expv/sqrt(sij)
            if (damp) then
               rscal = r1/r0
               rscalexp = dmp_scal*rscal**dmp_exp
               dampval = (1.0_wp-1.0_wp/(1.0_wp+rscalexp))
               dampval = 1.0_wp
            dE = bsse*dampval
            energies(iat) = energies(iat) + emi*dE
            if (iat /= jat) then
               energies(jat) = energies(jat) + emj*dE
            end if
         end do
      end do
   end do

end subroutine gcp_energy

!> Geometric counterpoise correction
subroutine gcp_deriv(mol, trans, cutoff, iz, emiss, slater, xv, rvdw, escal, alpha, beta, &
      & damp, dmp_scal, dmp_exp, energies, gradient, sigma)
   !> Molecular structure data
   type(structure_type), intent(in) :: mol
   !> Translation vectors
   real(wp), intent(in) :: trans(:, :)
   !> Distance cutoff
   real(wp), intent(in) :: cutoff
   !> Effective nuclear charges
   integer, intent(in) :: iz(:)
   !> Basis set superposition error per atom
   real(wp), intent(in) :: emiss(:)
   !> Slater exponents
   real(wp), intent(in) :: slater(:)
   !> Number of virtual orbitals
   real(wp), intent(in) :: xv(:)
   !> Van der Waals radii
   real(wp), intent(in) :: rvdw(:, :)
   !> Scaling factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: escal
   !> Exponential factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: alpha
   !> Power factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: beta
   !> Damping flag
   logical, intent(in) :: damp
   !> Damping scaling factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: dmp_scal
   !> Damping exponent
   real(wp), intent(in) :: dmp_exp
   !> Atom-resolved energy
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: energies(:)
   !> Molecular gradient
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: gradient(:, :)
   !> Virial
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: sigma(:, :)

   integer :: iat, jat, jtr, izp, jzp
   real(wp) :: argv, argd, ovlpd
   real(wp) :: xvi, xvj
   real(wp) :: r1, rscal, rscalexp, rscalexpm1, r0
   real(wp) :: sij, expv, expd, bsse, emi, emj, emij
   real(wp) :: vec(3), gs(3), gij
   real(wp) :: dampval, grd_dmp
   real(wp) :: dE, dG(3), dS(3, 3)

   do iat = 1, mol%nat
      izp = mol%id(iat)
      xvi = merge(1.0_wp / sqrt(xv(izp)), 0.0_wp, xv(izp) >= 0.5_wp)

      ! the BSSE due to atom jat, Loop over all j atoms
      do jat = 1, iat
         jzp = mol%id(jat)
         xvj = merge(1.0_wp / sqrt(xv(jzp)), 0.0_wp, xv(jzp) >= 0.5_wp)

         emi = emiss(izp)*xvj*escal
         emj = emiss(jzp)*xvi*escal
         emij = emi + emj
         r0 = rvdw(izp, jzp)
         do jtr = 1, size(trans, 2)
            vec(:) = mol%xyz(:, iat) - (mol%xyz(:, jat) + trans(:, jtr))
            r1 = norm2(vec)

            if(r1 > cutoff .or. r1 < epsilon(1.0_wp)) cycle
            ! calulate slater overlap sij
            call ssovl(r1, izp, jzp, iz, slater(izp), slater(jzp), sij)
            ! evaluate gcp central expression
            argv = -alpha*r1**beta
            expv = exp(argv)
            bsse = expv/sqrt(sij)
            if (damp) then
               rscal = r1/r0
               rscalexp = dmp_scal*rscal**dmp_exp
               dampval = (1.0_wp-1.0_wp/(1.0_wp+rscalexp))
               dampval = 1.0_wp

            call gsovl(r1, izp, jzp, iz, slater(izp), slater(jzp), gij)

            gs(:) = gij*vec
            expd = exp(-alpha*r1**beta)*(-0.5_wp)
            argd = 2d0*alpha*beta*r1**beta*sij/r1
            ovlpd = r1*sij**1.5_wp

            if(damp) then
               rscalexpm1 = rscal**(dmp_exp-1)
               grd_dmp = dmp_scal*dmp_exp*rscalexpm1/r0
               grd_dmp = grd_dmp/(rscalexp+1.0_wp)**2

            dE = bsse*dampval
            dG = expd*(argd*vec + gs)/ovlpd*emij
            if(damp) then
               dG = dG*dampval+bsse*grd_dmp*(vec/r1)*emij
            dS = spread(dG, 1, 3) * spread(vec, 2, 3) * 0.5_wp

            energies(iat) = energies(iat) + emi*dE
            if (iat /= jat) then
               energies(jat) = energies(jat) + emj*dE
            end if
            sigma(:, :) = sigma(:, :) + dS
            if (iat /= jat) then
               gradient(:, iat) = gradient(:, iat) + dG
               gradient(:, jat) = gradient(:, jat) - dG
               sigma(:, :) = sigma(:, :) + dS
            end if
         end do
      end do
   end do

end subroutine gcp_deriv

!> Short-range bond length correction for HF-3c
subroutine srb_energy(mol, trans, cutoff, iz, r0ab, rscal, qscal, rexp, zexp, energies)
   !> Molecular structure data
   type(structure_type), intent(in) :: mol
   !> Translation vectors
   real(wp), intent(in) :: trans(:, :)
   !> Distance cutoff
   real(wp), intent(in) :: cutoff
   !> Effective nuclear charges
   integer, intent(in) :: iz(:)
   !> Van der Waals radii
   real(wp), intent(in) :: r0ab(:, :)
   !> Radii scaling factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: rscal
   !> Prefactor for the SRB potential
   real(wp), intent(in) :: qscal
   !> Exponent for radii
   real(wp), intent(in) :: rexp
   !> Exponent for charges
   real(wp), intent(in) :: zexp
   !> Atom-resolved energy
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: energies(:)

   real(wp) :: fi, fj, ff, r1, expt
   real(wp) :: r0, vec(3), dE
   integer iat, jat, jtr, izp, jzp

   do iat = 1, mol%nat
      izp = mol%id(iat)
      fi = real(iz(izp), wp)
      do jat = 1, iat
         jzp = mol%id(jat)
         r0 = rscal*r0ab(izp, jzp)**rexp
         fj = real(iz(jzp), wp)
         ff = -(fi*fj)**zexp

         do jtr = 1, size(trans, 2)
            vec(:) = mol%xyz(:, iat) - (mol%xyz(:, jat) + trans(:, jtr))
            r1 = norm2(vec)
            if(r1 > cutoff .or. r1 < epsilon(1.0_wp)) cycle
            expt = exp(-r0*r1)
            dE = qscal*ff*expt*0.5_wp

            energies(iat) = energies(iat) + dE
            if (iat /= jat) then
               energies(jat) = energies(jat) + dE
            end if
         end do
      end do
   end do

end subroutine srb_energy

!> Short-range bond length correction for HF-3c
subroutine srb_deriv(mol, trans, cutoff, iz, r0ab, rscal, qscal, rexp, zexp, energies, gradient, sigma)
   !> Molecular structure data
   type(structure_type), intent(in) :: mol
   !> Translation vectors
   real(wp), intent(in) :: trans(:, :)
   !> Distance cutoff
   real(wp), intent(in) :: cutoff
   !> Effective nuclear charges
   integer, intent(in) :: iz(:)
   !> Van der Waals radii
   real(wp), intent(in) :: r0ab(:, :)
   !> Radii scaling factor
   real(wp), intent(in) :: rscal
   !> Prefactor for the SRB potential
   real(wp), intent(in) :: qscal
   !> Exponent for radii
   real(wp), intent(in) :: rexp
   !> Exponent for charges
   real(wp), intent(in) :: zexp
   !> Atom-resolved energy
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: energies(:)
   !> Molecular gradient
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: gradient(:, :)
   !> Molecular virial
   real(wp), intent(inout) :: sigma(:, :)

   real(wp) :: fi, fj, ff, rf, r1, expt
   real(wp) :: r0, vec(3), dE, dG(3), dS(3, 3)
   integer iat, jat, jtr, izp, jzp

   do iat = 1, mol%nat
      izp = mol%id(iat)
      fi = real(iz(izp), wp)
      do jat = 1, iat
         jzp = mol%id(jat)
         r0 = rscal*r0ab(izp, jzp)**rexp
         fj = real(iz(jzp), wp)
         ff = -(fi*fj)**zexp

         do jtr = 1, size(trans, 2)
            vec(:) = mol%xyz(:, iat) - (mol%xyz(:, jat) + trans(:, jtr))
            r1 = norm2(vec)
            if(r1 > cutoff .or. r1 < epsilon(1.0_wp)) cycle
            expt = exp(-r0*r1)
            rf = qscal/r1

            dE = qscal*ff*expt*0.5_wp
            dG(:) = -ff*r0*vec*expt*rf
            dS(:, :) = spread(dG, 1, 3) * spread(vec, 2, 3) * 0.5_wp

            energies(iat) = energies(iat) + dE
            if (iat /= jat) then
               energies(jat) = energies(jat) + dE
            end if
            sigma(:, :) = sigma + dS
            if (iat /= jat) then
               gradient(:, iat) = gradient(:, iat) + dG
               gradient(:, jat) = gradient(:, jat) - dG
               sigma(:, :) = sigma + dS
            end if

         end do
      end do
   end do

end subroutine srb_deriv

!* calculates the s-type overlap integral over 1s, 2s and 3s slater functions
!* added support for 3s functions
!* ovl = overlap integral
!* za  = slater exponent atom A
!* zb  = slater exponent atom B
!* R   = distance between atom A and B
!* Inspired by mopac7.0
subroutine ssovl(r, iat, jat, iz, xza, xzb, ovl)
   integer ii, shell(72)
   logical debug
   real(wp) za, zb, R, ovl, ax, bx, norm, R05
   integer na, nb
   real(wp) Bxx0, Bxx1, Bxx2, xx, Bxx4, Bxx6
   real(wp) Bxx3, Bxx5
   data shell/                 &
   !          h, he
            1, 1               &
   !         li-ne
            , 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, &
   !         na-ar
            3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,  &
   ! 4s, 5s will be treated as 3s
   !         k-rn , no f-elements
   ! ...
   real(wp) xza, xzb
   integer iat, jat, iz(*)

   za = xza
   zb = xzb
   na = iz(iat)
   nb = iz(jat)
   debug = .false.
!debug = .true.

! ii selects kind of ovl by multiplying the shell
! kind    <1s|1s>  <2s|1s>  <2s|2s>  <1s|3s>  <2s|3s>  <3s|3s>
! case:      1        2        4       3        6         9
   ii = shell(na)*shell(nb)
   if(debug) write(*, *) 'shell', ii

   R05 = R*0.5
   ax = (za+zb)*R05
   bx = (zb-za)*R05

   ! same elements
   if(abs(za-zb) < 0.1) then
      select case (ii)
      case (1)
         ovl = 0.25d0*sqrt((za*zb*R*R)**3)*(A2(ax)*Bint(bx, 0)-Bint(bx, 2)*A0(ax))
      case (2)
         ovl = SQRT(1._wp/3._wp)
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
         ! <1s|2s>
            norm = SQRT((ZA**3)*(ZB**5))*(R**4)*0.125_wp
            ovl = ovl*norm*(A3(ax)*Bint(bx, 0)-Bint(bx, 3)*A0(ax)+A2(ax)*Bint(bx, 1)-Bint(bx, 2)*A1(ax))
         ! switch za/zb to get <2s|1s>
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            ax = (za+zb)*R05
            bx = (zb-za)*R05
            norm = SQRT((ZA**3)*(ZB**5))*(R**4)*0.125_wp
            ovl = ovl*norm*(A3(ax)*Bint(bx, 0)-Bint(bx, 3)*A0(ax)+A2(ax)*Bint(bx, 1)-Bint(bx, 2)*A1(ax))
      case (4)
         norm = SQRT((ZA*ZB)**5)*(R**5)*0.0625d0
         ovl = norm* (A4(ax)*Bint(bx, 0)+Bint(bx, 4)*A0(ax)-2.0d0*A2(ax)*Bint(bx, 2))*(1d0/3d0)
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            norm = SQRT((ZA**3)*(ZB**7)/7.5_wp)*(R**5)*0.0625_wp
            ovl = norm*(A4(ax)*Bint(bx, 0)-Bint(bx, 4)*A0(ax)+2.d0*(A3(ax)*Bint(bx, 1)-Bint(bx, 3)*A1(ax)))/sqrt(3.d0)
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            ax = (za+zb)*R05
            bx = (zb-za)*R05
            norm = SQRT((ZA**3)*(ZB**7)/7.5_wp)*(R**5)*0.0625_wp
            ovl = norm*(A4(ax)*Bint(bx, 0)-Bint(bx, 4)*A0(ax)+2.d0*(A3(ax)*Bint(bx, 1)-Bint(bx, 3)*A1(ax)))/sqrt(3.d0)
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            norm = SQRT((za**5)*(zb**7)/7.5_wp)*(R**6)*0.03125_wp
            ovl = norm*(A5(ax)*Bint(bx, 0)+A4(ax)*Bint(bx, 1) &
               & -2d0*(A3(ax)*Bint(bx, 2)+A2(ax)*Bint(bx, 3)) &
               & +A1(ax)*Bint(bx, 4)+A0(ax)*Bint(bx, 5))/3.d0
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            ax = (za+zb)*R05
            bx = (zb-za)*R05
            norm = SQRT((za**5)*(zb**7)/7.5_wp)*(R**6)*0.03125_wp
            ovl = norm*(A5(ax)*Bint(bx, 0)+A4(ax)*Bint(bx, 1) &
               & -2d0*(A3(ax)*Bint(bx, 2)+A2(ax)*Bint(bx, 3)) &
               & +A1(ax)*Bint(bx, 4)+A0(ax)*Bint(bx, 5))/3.d0
         norm = sqrt((ZA*ZB*R*R)**7)/480.d0
         ovl = norm*(A6(ax)*Bint(bx, 0)-3.d0*(A4(ax)*Bint(bx, 2) &
            & -A2(ax)*Bint(bx, 4))-A0(ax)*Bint(bx, 6))/3._wp
      end select
   else ! different elements
      select case (ii)
      case (1)
         norm = 0.25d0*sqrt((za*zb*R*R)**3)
         ovl = (A2(ax)*B0(bx)-B2(bx)*A0(ax))*norm
      case (2)
         ovl = SQRT(1._wp/3._wp)
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
         ! <1s|2s>
            norm = SQRT((ZA**3)*(ZB**5))*(R**4)*0.125_wp
            ovl = ovl*norm*(A3(ax)*B0(bx)-B3(bx)*A0(ax)+A2(ax)*B1(bx)-B2(bx)*A1(ax))
         ! switch za/zb to get <2s|1s>
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            ax = (za+zb)*R05
            bx = (zb-za)*R05
            norm = SQRT((ZA**3)*(ZB**5))*(R**4)*0.125_wp
            ovl = ovl*norm*(A3(ax)*B0(bx)-B3(bx)*A0(ax)+A2(ax)*B1(bx)-B2(bx)*A1(ax))
      case (4) ! <2s|2s>
         norm = SQRT((ZA*ZB)**5)*(R**5)*0.0625_wp
         ovl = norm* (A4(ax)*B0(bx)+B4(bx)*A0(ax)-2.0_wp*A2(ax)*B2(bx))*(1d0/3d0)
      case(3)  ! <1s|3s> + <3s|1s>
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            norm = SQRT((ZA**3)*(ZB**7)/7.5_wp)*(R**5)*0.0625_wp
            ovl = norm*(A4(ax)*B0(bx)-B4(bx)*A0(ax)+2.d0*(A3(ax)*B1(bx)-B3(bx)*A1(ax)))/sqrt(3.d0)
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            ax = (za+zb)*R05
            bx = (zb-za)*R05
            norm = SQRT((ZA**3)*(ZB**7)/7.5_wp)*(R**5)*0.0625_wp
            ovl = norm*(A4(ax)*B0(bx)-B4(bx)*A0(ax)+2.d0*(A3(ax)*B1(bx)-B3(bx)*A1(ax)))/sqrt(3.d0)
      case(6)  ! <2s|3s> + <3s|2s>
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            norm = SQRT((za**5)*(zb**7)/7.5_wp)*(R**6)*0.03125_wp
            ovl = norm*(A5(ax)*B0(bx)+A4(ax)*B1(bx)-2d0*(A3(ax)*B2(bx)+A2(ax)*B3(bx))+A1(ax)*B4(bx)+A0(ax)*B5(bx))/3.d0
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            ax = (za+zb)*R05
            bx = (zb-za)*R05
            norm = SQRT((za**5)*(zb**7)/7.5_wp)*(R**6)*0.03125_wp
            ovl = norm*(A5(ax)*B0(bx)+A4(ax)*B1(bx)-2.0_wp*(A3(ax)*B2(bx)+A2(ax)*B3(bx))+A1(ax)*B4(bx)+A0(ax)*B5(bx))/3.d0
      case(9) ! <3s|3>
         norm = sqrt((ZA*ZB*R*R)**7)/1440.d0
         ovl = norm*(A6(ax)*B0(bx)-3.d0*(A4(ax)*B2(bx)-A2(ax)*B4(bx))-A0(ax)*B6(bx))
      end select
end subroutine ssovl

!* A(x) auxiliary integrals             *
!* Quantenchemie - Ein Lehrgang Vol 5   *
!* p. 570  eq. 11.4.14                  *

real(wp) pure function A0(x)
! Hilfsintegral A_0
implicit none
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
A0 = exp(-x)/x
end function

real(wp) pure function A1(x)
! Hilfsintegral A_1
implicit none
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
A1 = ((1+x)*exp(-x))/(x**2)
end function

real(wp) pure function A2(x)
! Hilfsintegral A_2
implicit none
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
A2 = ((2d0+2d0*x+x**2)*exp(-x))/x**3
end function

real(wp) pure function A3(x)
! Hilfsintegral A_3
implicit none
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
real(wp) xx
real(wp) x2, x3, x4
x2 = x*x
x3 = x2*x
x4 = x3*x
xx = (6d0+6d0*x+3d0*x2+x3)
A3 = (xx*exp(-x))/x4
end function

real(wp) pure function A4(x)
! Hilfsintegral A_4
implicit none
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
real(wp) xx
real(wp) x2, x3, x4, x5
x2 = x*x
x3 = x2*x
x4 = x3*x
x5 = x4*x
xx = (24d0+24d0*x+12d0*x2+4d0*x3+x4)
A4 = (xx*exp(-x))/x5
end function

real(wp) pure function A5(x)
! Hilfsintegral A_5
implicit none
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
real(wp) xx
real(wp) x2, x3, x4, x5, x6
x2 = x*x
x3 = x2*x
x4 = x3*x
x5 = x4*x
x6 = x5*x
xx = (120d0+120d0*x+60d0*x2+20d0*x3+5d0*x4+x5)
A5 = (xx*exp(-x))/x6
end function

real(wp) pure function A6(x)
! Hilfsintegral A_6
implicit none
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
real(wp) xx
real(wp) x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7
x2 = x*x
x3 = x2*x
x4 = x3*x
x5 = x4*x
x6 = x5*x
x7 = x6*x
xx = (720d0+720d0*x+360d0*x2+120d0*x3+30d0*x4+6d0*x5+x6)
A6 = (xx*exp(-x))/x7
end function

!* B(x) auxiliary integrals           *
!* Quantenchemie - Ein Lehrgang Vol 5 *
!* p. 570  eq. 11.4.14b               *

real(wp) pure function B0(x)
   real(wp), intent(in) :: x
   B0 = (exp(x)-exp(-x))/x
end function

real(wp) pure function B1(x)
   real(wp), intent(in) :: x
   real(wp) x2, x3
   x2 = x*x
   x3 = x2*x
   B1 = ((1.0_wp-x)*exp(x)-(1.0_wp+x)*exp(-x))/x2
end function

real(wp) pure function B2(x)
   real(wp), intent(in) :: x
   real(wp) x2, x3
   x2 = x*x
   x3 = x2*x
   B2 = (((2.0_wp-2*x+x2)*exp(x)) - ((2.0_wp+2.0_wp*x+x2)*exp(-x)))/x3
end function

real(wp) pure function B3(x)
   real(wp), intent(in) :: x
   real(wp) xx, yy
   real(wp) x2, x3, x4
   x2 = x*x
   x3 = x2*x
   x4 = x3*x
   xx = (6.0_wp-6.0_wp*x+3.0_wp*x2-x3)*exp(x)/x4
   yy = (6.0_wp+6.0_wp*x+3.0_wp*x2+x3)*exp(-x)/x4
   B3 = xx-yy
end function

real(wp) pure function B4(x)
   real(wp), intent(in) :: x
   real(wp) xx, yy
   real(wp) x2, x3, x4, x5
   x2 = x*x
   x3 = x2*x
   x4 = x3*x
   x5 = x4*x
   xx = (24.0_wp-24.0_wp*x+12.0_wp*x2-4.0_wp*x3+x4)*exp(x)/x5
   yy = (24.0_wp+24.0_wp*x+12.0_wp*x2+4.0_wp*x3+x4)*exp(-x)/x5
   B4 = xx-yy
end function

real(wp) pure function B5(x)
   real(wp), intent(in) :: x
   real(wp) xx, yy
   real(wp) x2, x3, x4, x5, x6
   x2 = x*x
   x3 = x2*x
   x4 = x3*x
   x5 = x4*x
   x6 = x5*x
   xx = (120.0_wp-120*x+60*x2-20*x3+5*x4-x5)*exp(x)/x6
   yy = (120.0_wp+120*x+60*x2+20*x3+5*x4+x5)*exp(-x)/x6
   B5 = xx-yy
end function

real(wp) function B6(x)
   real(wp), intent(in) :: x
   real(wp) x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, yy, xx
   x2 = x*x
   x3 = x2*x
   x4 = x3*x
   x5 = x4*x
   x6 = x5*x
   x7 = x6*x
   xx = (720.0_wp - 720.0_wp*x+ 360.0_wp*x2 - 120.0_wp*x3 + 30.0_wp*x4 - 6.0_wp*x5 + x6)*exp(x)/x7
   yy = (720.0_wp + 720.0_wp*x + 360.0_wp*x2 + 120.0_wp*x3 + 30.0_wp*x4 + 6.0_wp*x5 + x6)*exp(-x)/x7
   B6 = xx-yy
end function

real(wp) function bint(x, k)
! calculates B_k(x)
! general summation formula
! 'infinite' sum is numerically unstable. 12 terms seem
! accurate enough
implicit none
real(wp), intent(in) :: x
real(wp) xx, yy
integer, intent(in) :: k
integer i
bint = 0

if(abs(x).lt.1e-6) then
do i = 0, k
   bint = (1.d0+(-1d0)**i)/(dble(i)+1.d0)
end do

do i = 0, 12
xx = 1d0-((-1d0)**(k+i+1))
yy = dble(fact(i))*dble((k+i+1))
bint = bint+xx/yy*(-x)**i

end function bint

! faculty function
integer(wp) function fact(N)
implicit none
integer j, n
fact = 1
do j = 2, n
  fact = fact*j


subroutine gsovl(r, iat, jat, iz, xza, xzb, g)
   ! calculates the s-type overlap integral over 1s, 2s, 3s slater functions
   ! ovl = overlap integral
   ! za  = slater exponent atom A
   ! zb  = slater exponent atom B
   ! R   = distance between atom A and B
   integer ii, shell(72)
   logical debug
   real(wp) ax, bx, R05, za, zb, R
   integer na, nb
   data shell/                 &
   !          h, he
            1, 1               &
   !         li-ne
            , 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, &
   !         na-ar
            3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,  &
   ! 4s, 5s will be treated as 3s
   !         k-rn , no f-elements
   ! ...
   real(wp) g, Fa, Fb
   !--------------------- set exponents ---------------------------------------
   real(wp) xza, xzb
   real(wp) xx
   integer iat, jat, iz(*)
   logical lsame

   za = xza
   zb = xzb
   na = iz(iat)
   nb = iz(jat)

   debug = .false.
   !debug = .true.

   ! ii selects kind of ovl by multiplying the shell
   ! kind    <1s|1s>  <2s|1s>  <2s|2s>  <1s|3s>  <2s|3s>  <3s|3s>
   ! case:      1        2        4       3        6         9
   ii = shell(na)*shell(nb)
   if(debug) write(*, *) 'gshell', ii
   R05 = R*0.5_wp
   ax = (za+zb)*R05
   Fa = (za+zb)
   bx = (zb-za)*R05
   Fb = (zb-za)
   lsame = .false.
   ! same elements
   if(abs(za-zb) < 0.1) then
      lsame = .true.
      ! call arguments: gtype(exponents, argumentDeriv., distance, gradient, (Switch shell), sameElement)
      select case (ii)
      case (1)
         call g1s1s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, lsame)
      case (2)
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            call g2s1s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .false., lsame)
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            call g2s1s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .true., lsame)
         end if
      case (4)
         call g2s2s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, lsame)
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            call g1s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .false., lsame)
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            call g1s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .true., lsame)
         end if
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            call g2s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .false., lsame)
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            call g2s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .true., lsame)
         end if
         call g3s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, lsame)
      end select
   else ! different elements
      lsame = .false.
      select case (ii)
      case (1)
         call g1s1s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, lsame)
      case (2)  ! <1s|2s>
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            call g2s1s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .false., lsame)
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            call g2s1s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .true., lsame)
         end if
      case (4) ! <2s|2s>
         call g2s2s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, lsame)
      case(3)  ! <1s|3s> + <3s|1s>
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            call g1s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .false., lsame)
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            call g1s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .true., lsame)
         end if
      case(6)  ! <2s|3s> + <3s|2s>
         if(shell(na) < shell(nb)) then
            call g2s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .false., lsame)
            xx = za
            za = zb
            zb = xx
            call g2s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, .true., lsame)
         end if
      case(9) ! <3s|3>
         call g3s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, lsame)
      end select
   end if

end subroutine gsovl

! Maple was used to find the analy. derivatives of
! the slater integrals (expressions over A, B aux. integrals)
! Optimized fortran code by maple with some human-corrections
subroutine g1s1s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, sameElement)
   ! slater overlap derv.
   ! derivative of explicit integral expression
   ! using maple
   implicit real(wp) (t)
   real(wp) za, zb, Fa, Fb
   real(wp) g, R
   logical sameElement

   if(sameElement) then
      t1 = za ** 2
      t3 = zb ** 2
      t5 = t1 * za * t3 * zb
      t6 = R ** 2
      t7 = t6 ** 2
      t10 = Fa * R
      t14 = exp(-0.5_wp * t10)
      t17 = sqrt(t5 * t7 * t6)
      g = -(1.0_wp/3.0_wp) * t5 * t7 / Fa * (0.2D1 + t10) * t14 / t17
      t1 = za ** 2
      t3 = zb ** 2
      t5 = t1 * za * t3 * zb
      t6 = Fb ** 2
      t7 = Fb * R
      t8 = 0.5_wp * t7
      t9 = exp(t8)
      t12 = exp(-t8)
      t15 = t6 * Fa
      t22 = Fa ** 2
      t23 = t22 * t9
      t27 = t22 * t12
      t31 = t6 * Fb
      t32 = R * t31
      t37 = t22 * Fa
      t38 = R * t37
      t43 = R ** 2
      t44 = t43 * t31
      t51 = t43 * t37
      t56 = 0.4D1 * t6 * t9 - 0.4D1 * t6 * t12 + 0.2D1 * t15 * R * t9 -          &
      0.2D1 * t15 * R * t12 - 0.4D1 * t23 + 0.2D1 * t23 * t7 + 0.4D1 * t27       &
      + 0.2D1 * t27 * t7 - 0.2D1 * t32 * t9 - 0.2D1 * t32 * t12 - 0.2D1 * t38 *  &
      t9 + 0.2D1 * t38 * t12 - 0.1D1 * t44 * Fa * t9 - 0.1D1                     &
      * t44 * Fa * t12 + t51 * t9 * Fb + t51 * t12 * Fb
      t61 = exp(-0.5_wp * Fa * R)
      t62 = t43 ** 2
      t65 = sqrt(t5 * t62 * t43)
      g = -0.2D1 * t5 * R * t56 * t61 / t65 / t31 / t37
   end if

end subroutine g1s1s

subroutine g2s1s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, switch, lsame)
   ! slater overlap derv.
   ! derivative of explicit integral expression
   ! using maple
   implicit real(wp) (t)
   real(wp) za, zb, Fa, Fb
   real(wp) g, R, norm
   logical switch
   logical lsame
   norm = (1d0/24d0)*sqrt(za**3*zb**5*3d0)

   if(switch) then
      Fb = -Fb

   if(lsame) then

      t1 = Fa * R
      t3 = exp(-0.5000000000_wp * t1)
      t6 = Fa ** 2
      t7 = R ** 2
      g = -0.1000000000D-8 * R * t3 * (0.5333333380D10 + 0.2666666670D10 &
      * t1 + 0.1333333333D10 * t6 * t7) / t6
      g = g*norm


      t3 = exp(-0.5000000000_wp * Fa * R)
      t4 = Fa ** 2
      t5 = t4 * Fa
      t6 = Fb * R
      t7 = 0.5000000000_wp * t6
      t8 = exp(t7)
      t9 = t5 * t8
      t11 = Fb ** 2
      t12 = t11 * Fa
      t15 = exp(-t7)
      t18 = t4 ** 2
      t19 = R * t18
      t22 = t11 ** 2
      t29 = Fb * t4
      t36 = R ** 2
      t37 = t36 * t18
      t44 = t36 * R
      t48 = -0.12D2 * t9 + 0.4D1 * t12 * t8 - 0.4D1 * t12 * t15 &
      - 0.6D1 * t19 * t8 - 0.6D1 * t22 * t8 * R - 0.6D1 * t22 * t15 &
      * R + 0.4D1 * t29 * t15 - 0.4D1 * t29 * t8 + 0.6D1 * t19 * t15 &
      + 0.2D1 * t37 * t8 * Fb + 0.4D1 * t37 * t15 * Fb + t44 * t18 * t15 * t11
      t49 = t5 * t15
      t51 = t11 * Fb
      t58 = t51 * Fa
      t59 = R * t8
      t76 = t36 * t15
      t79 = t22 * Fa
      t87 = 0.12D2 * t49 - 0.12D2 * t51 * t15 - 0.1D1 * t22 * t4 * t15 * t44 &
      + 0.4D1 * t58 * t59 - 0.8D1 * t58 * R * t15 + 0.4D1 * t9 * t6 + 0.8D1 * &
      t49 * t6 + 0.2D1 * t49 * t11 * t36 + 0.4D1 * t11 * t4 * t59 - 0.2D1 * t51 &
      * t4 * t76 - 0.2D1 * t79 * t36 * t8 - 0.4D1 * t79 * t76 + 0.12D2 * t51 * t8
      g = -0.16D2 * t3 * (t48 + t87) / t36 / t22 / t18
      g = g*norm
   end if

end subroutine g2s1s

subroutine g2s2s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, SameElement)
   ! slater overlap derv.
   ! derivative of explicit integral expression
   ! using maple
   implicit real(wp) (t)
   real(wp) za, zb, Fa, Fb
   real(wp) g, R, norm
   logical SameElement

   norm = 1d0/(16d0*3d0)*SQRT((ZA*ZB)**5)

   if(SameElement) then

      t2 = R ** 2
      t5 = Fa ** 2
      t9 = t5 * Fa
      t10 = t2 ** 2
      t16 = exp(-Fa * R / 0.2D1)
      g = (-0.4266666666D2 * R - 0.2133333333D2 * Fa * t2 - 0.2133333333D1 &
          * t5 * t2 * R - 0.1066666666D1 * t9 * t10) * t16 / t9
      g = g*norm

      t1 = R ** 2
      t3 = 0.3840000000D3 * t1 * Fb
      t4 = t1 * R
      t5 = Fb ** 2
      t7 = 0.6400000000D2 * t4 * t5
      t8 = 0.7680000000D3 * R
      t10 = Fa ** 2
      t11 = t10 ** 2
      t12 = t11 * Fa
      t14 = Fb * R
      t15 = 0.768000000D3 * t14
      t17 = 0.1280000000D3 * t5 * t1
      t21 = 0.256000000D3 * t5 * R
      t22 = t5 * Fb
      t24 = 0.1280000000D3 * t22 * t1
      t26 = t10 * Fa
      t28 = t5 ** 2
      t30 = 0.1280000000D3 * t1 * t28
      t32 = 0.256000000D3 * t22 * R
      t33 = 0.512000000D3 * t5
      t34 = t28 * Fb
      t36 = 0.6400000000D2 * t4 * t34
      t40 = 0.768000000D3 * t28 * R
      t42 = 0.3840000000D3 * t1 * t34
      t45 = 0.1536000000D4 * t28
      t47 = 0.7680000000D3 * t34 * R
      t51 = exp(-0.5_wp * Fa * R)
      t53 = 0.5_wp * t14
      t54 = exp(-t53)
      t68 = exp(t53)
      g = (((t3 + t7 + t8) * t12 + (0.1536000000D4 + t15 + t17) * t11 + &
      (-t21 - t24) * t26 + (t30 - t32 - t33 + t36) * t10 + (t40 + t42) *&
      Fa + t45 + t47) * t51 * t54 + ((t3 - t8 - t7) * t12 + (-0.1536000000D4 &
      + t15 - t17) * t11 + (-t24 + t21) * t26 + (-t30 + t33 - t32 &
      + t36) * t10 + (-t40 + t42) * Fa + t47 - t45) * t51 * t68) / t1 /  &
      t12 / t34

      g = g*norm

end subroutine g2s2s

subroutine g1s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, switch, lsame)
   ! slater overlap derv.
   ! derivative of explicit integral expression
   ! using maple
   implicit real(wp) (t)
   real(wp) za, zb, Fa, Fb
   real(wp) g, R, norm
   logical switch
   logical lsame

   if(switch) Fb = -Fb

   norm = SQRT((ZA**3)*(ZB**7)/7.5_wp)/(16d0*sqrt(3d0))

   if(lsame) then

      t1 = Fa * R
      t3 = exp(-0.5000000000_wp * t1)
      t4 = R ** 2
      g = -0.1600000000D1 * t3 * t4 * R * (0.2D1 + t1) / Fa
      g = g*norm

      t3 = exp(-0.5000_wp * Fa * R)
      t4 = Fb ** 2
      t5 = t4 ** 2
      t6 = t5 * Fb
      t7 = t6 * Fa
      t8 = R ** 2
      t9 = Fb * R
      t10 = 0.50_wp * t9
      t11 = exp(t10)
      t15 = exp(-t10)
      t16 = t8 * t15
      t19 = Fa ** 2
      t21 = t8 * R
      t22 = t21 * t15
      t25 = t19 * Fa
      t27 = t8 ** 2
      t31 = t19 ** 2
      t32 = t31 * Fa
      t33 = t8 * t32
      t45 = t4 * Fb
      t48 = t31 * t15
      t55 = t4 * t25
      t56 = t11 * R
      t59 = t15 * R
      t62 = t5 * Fa
      t73 = -0.6D1 * t7 * t8 * t11 - 0.18D2 * t7 * t16 - 0.6D1 * t6 * t19 &
      * t22 - 0.1D1 * t6 * t25 * t27 * t15 + 0.6D1 * t33 * t11 * Fb + 0.18D2 &
      * t33 * t15 * Fb + 0.6D1 * t21 * t32 * t15 * t4 + t27 * t32* t15 * t45 &
      + 0.2D1 * t48 * t45 * t21 + 0.12D2 * t48 * t4 * t8 + 0.12D2 * t55 * t56 &
      + 0.12D2 * t55 * t59 + 0.12D2 * t62 * t56 - 0.36D2 * t62 * t59 - 0.12D2 &
      * t5 * t19 * t16 - 0.2D1 * t5 * t25 * t22
      t74 = t31 * t11
      t79 = t45 * t19
      t92 = R * t32
      t95 = t45 * Fa
      t100 = Fb * t25
      t111 = 0.12D2 * t74 * t9 + 0.36D2 * t48 * t9 + 0.12D2 * t79 * t56 - 0.12D2  &
      * t79 * t59 + 0.48D2 * t5 * t11 - 0.24D2 * t6 * t11 * R - 0.24D2 * t6 * t15 &
      * R - 0.24D2 * t92 * t11 + 0.24D2 * t95 * t11 - 0.24D2 * t95 * t15 + 0.24D2 &
      * t100 * t15 + 0.24D2 * t92 * t15 - 0.24D2 * t100 * t11 - 0.48D2 * t5 * t15 &
      - 0.48D2 * t74 + 0.48D2 * t48
      g = -0.32D2 * t3 * (t73 + t111) / t8 / t6 / t32

      g = g*norm

end subroutine g1s3s

subroutine g2s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, switch, lsame)
   ! slater overlap derv.
   ! derivative of explicit integral expression
   ! using maple
   implicit real(wp) (t)
   real(wp) za, zb, Fa, Fb
   real(wp) g, R, norm
   logical switch
   logical lsame
   norm = sqrt((za**5)*(zb**7)/7.5_wp)/96.d0

   if(switch) Fb = -Fb

   if(lsame) then
      t1 = Fa * R
      t3 = exp(-0.5000000000_wp * t1)
      t6 = Fa ** 2
      t7 = R ** 2
      t14 = t6 ** 2
      t15 = t7 ** 2
      g = -0.2000000000D-8 * R * t3 * (0.1280000000D12 + 0.6400000000D11 &
      * t1 + 0.1280000000D11 * t6 * t7 + 0.1066666670D10 * t6 * Fa * t7 &
      * R + 0.533333333D9 * t14 * t15) / t14
      g = g*norm

      t3 = exp(-0.5_wp * Fa * R)
      t4 = Fb ** 2
      t5 = t4 ** 2
      t6 = Fa ** 2
      t7 = t6 * Fa
      t8 = t5 * t7
      t9 = R ** 2
      t11 = 0.50_wp * Fb * R
      t12 = exp(t11)
      t13 = t9 * t12
      t16 = t6 ** 2
      t17 = t16 * Fa
      t18 = exp(-t11)
      t21 = t5 * Fb
      t28 = t9 * t18
      t32 = t9 * R
      t33 = t32 * t18
      t36 = t5 * t4
      t38 = t9 ** 2
      t39 = t38 * t18
      t41 = t21 * Fa
      t42 = R * t12
      t45 = t16 * t6
      t46 = t4 * Fb
      t49 = t46 * t16
      t52 = -0.6D1 * t8 * t13 + 0.120D3 * t17 * t18 + 0.120D3 * t21 * t18 &
       - 0.120D3 * t17 * t12 - 0.120D3 * t21 * t12 - 0.6D1 * t8 * t28 - 0.2D1 &
      * t5 * t16 * t33 + t36 * t7 * t39 - 0.48D2 * t41 * t42 + t45 * t46 * t39 - 0.6D1 * t49 * t13
      t54 = R * t18
      t60 = t46 * t6
      t63 = Fb * t16
      t66 = t5 * Fa
      t69 = t4 * t7
      t72 = t36 * t6
      t75 = t32 * t12
      t78 = Fb * t9
      t84 = Fb * t17
      t87 = -0.24D2 * t46 * t7 * t54 - 0.24D2 * t5 * t6 * t42 + 0.24D2 *&
       t60 * t12 + 0.24D2 * t63 * t18 - 0.24D2 * t66 * t12 - 0.24D2 * t69 &
      * t18 + 0.9D1 * t72 * t33 + 0.3D1 * t72 * t75 + 0.24D2 * t78 * t45 &
      * t12 - 0.6D1 * t49 * t28 + 0.48D2 * t84 * t42
      t102 = t21 * t6
      t105 = t4 * t17
      t113 = t45 * t4
      t118 = 0.72D2 * t84 * t54 + 0.72D2 * t41 * t54 + 0.36D2 * t78 * t45 &
      * t18 + 0.2D1 * t46 * t17 * t33 + 0.24D2 * t4 * t16 * t42 - 0.6D1   &
      * t102 * t13 - 0.6D1 * t105 * t13 + 0.18D2 * t105 * t28 + 0.2D1 &
      * t21 * t7 * t33 - 0.3D1 * t113 * t75 + 0.9D1 * t113 * t33
      t121 = t36 * Fa
      t130 = R * t45
      t145 = 0.18D2 * t102 * t28 + 0.24D2 * t121 * t13 + 0.36D2 * t121 * &
       t28 - 0.24D2 * t60 * t18 - 0.24D2 * t63 * t12 + 0.60D2 * t130 * t18 &
      + 0.60D2 * t36 * t18 * R + 0.24D2 * t69 * t12 + 0.60D2 * t36 * t12 * &
      R - 0.60D2 * t130 * t12 + 0.24D2 * t66 * t18
      g = 0.128D3 * t3 * (t52 + t87 + t118 + t145) / t9 / t36 / t45

   g = g*norm

end subroutine g2s3s

subroutine g3s3s(za, zb, Fa, Fb, R, g, SameElement)
   ! slater overlap derv.
   ! derivative of explicit integral expression
   ! using maple
   implicit real(wp) (t)
   real(wp) za, zb, Fa, Fb
   real(wp) g, R, norm
   logical SameElement

   norm = sqrt((ZA*ZB)**7)/1440.d0

   if(SameElement) then

      t1 = Fa * R
      t3 = exp(-0.5000000000_wp * t1)
      t5 = Fa ** 2
      t6 = t5 ** 2
      t7 = t6 * Fa
      t8 = R ** 2
      t9 = t8 ** 2
      g = -0.2000000000D-8 * t3 * R * (0.457142857D9 * t7 * t9 &
      * R + 0.7680000000D12 * t1 + 0.1536000000D12 * t5 * t8 &
      + 0.1280000000D11 * t5 * Fa * t8 * R + 0.914285715D9 * t6 * t9 + 0.1536000000D13) / t7

      g = g*norm

      t3 = exp(-0.5000000000_wp * Fa * R)
      t4 = Fa ** 2
      t5 = t4 ** 2
      t6 = t5 * t4
      t7 = Fb * R
      t8 = 0.5000000000_wp * t7
      t9 = exp(-t8)
      t10 = t6 * t9
      t13 = Fb ** 2
      t14 = t13 * Fb
      t15 = t13 ** 2
      t16 = t15 * t14
      t17 = R ** 2
      t18 = t17 * R
      t19 = t16 * t18
      t23 = exp(t8)
      t24 = t6 * t23
      t27 = t5 * Fa
      t28 = t27 * t13
      t29 = R * t23
      t32 = t6 * t13
      t33 = t17 * t9
      t36 = t15 * Fb
      t37 = t4 * t36
      t38 = t9 * R
      t43 = t17 * t23
      t46 = t4 * Fa
      t47 = t5 * t46
      t48 = t47 * t18
      t52 = t47 * t17
      t65 = 0.120D3 * t10 * t7 - 0.12D2 * t19 * t4 * t9 + 0.120D3 &
      * t24 * t7 + 0.24D2 * t28 * t29 + 0.24D2 * t32 * t33 + 0.24D2 * t37 &
      * t38 - 0.24D2 * t28 * t38 - 0.24D2 * t32 * t43 - 0.12D2 * t48 * t13 &
      * t23 + 0.60D2 * t52 * t23 * Fb + 0.12D2 * t48 * t13 * t9 + 0.60D2 &
      * t52 * t9 * Fb - 0.12D2 * t19 * t4 * t23
      t66 = t17 ** 2
      t67 = t16 * t66
      t74 = t27 * t14
      t77 = t6 * t14
      t78 = t18 * t23
      t81 = t46 * t15
      t86 = t27 * t15
      t89 = t5 * t36
      t90 = t18 * t9
      t97 = t46 * t36
      t104 = -0.1D1 * t67 * t46 * t9 - 0.1D1 * t67 * t46 * t23 - 0.12D2 &
      * t74 * t43 + 0.2D1 * t77 * t78 - 0.24D2 * t81 * t29 + 0.24D2 * t81 &
      * t38 + 0.2D1 * t86 * t78 + 0.2D1 * t89 * t90 - 0.2D1 * t86 * t90 &
      + 0.24D2 * t37 * t29 + 0.12D2 * t97 * t33 + 0.2D1 * t89 * t78 - 0.12D2 * t74 * t33
      t108 = t5 * t14
      t111 = t15 * t13
      t112 = t111 * t4
      t117 = t111 * t46
      t122 = t111 * Fa
      t129 = t4 * t15
      t132 = t47 * R
      t139 = 0.2D1 * t77 * t90 - 0.24D2 * t108 * t38 + 0.24D2 * t112 * t43 &
      - 0.24D2 * t112 * t33 + 0.2D1 * t117 * t78 - 0.2D1 * t117 * t90 + 0.120D3 &
      * t122 * t29 - 0.120D3 * t122 * t38 + 0.12D2 * t97 * t43 - 0.48D2 * t129 &
      * t23 + 0.120D3 * t132 * t9 - 0.120D3 * t132 * t23 + 0.240D3 * t111 * t23
      t140 = t47 * t66
      t145 = t16 * R
      t150 = t16 * t17
      t160 = t5 * t13
      t170 = t140 * t14 * t23 + t140 * t14 * t9 - 0.120D3 * t145 * t9 - 0.24D2 &
      * t108 * t29 - 0.60D2 * t150 * Fa * t23 - 0.240D3 * t111 * t9 - 0.240D3 &
      * t24 + 0.240D3 * t10 + 0.48D2 * t129 * t9 - 0.48D2 * t160 * t9 + 0.48D2 &
      * t160 * t23 - 0.120D3 * t145 * t23 - 0.60D2 * t150 * Fa * t9
      g = -0.768D3 * t3 * (t65 + t104 + t139 + t170) / t17 / t47 / t16

      g = g*norm

end subroutine g3s3s

end module dftd3_gcp